Bird Buddy Smart Bird Feeder PRO Review — Plus 2 Years with the Original

After testing Bird Buddy’s new Pro camera in my original smart feeder housing, the improvements are clear: better focus, natural colors in harsh sunlight, and fun slow-motion moments. Plus, how the original plastic housing weathered two years of outdoor use.

new bird buddy smart feeder camera review and comparison after two years

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I placed the new Bird Buddy ‘Pro’ camera into my original smart bird feeder house from 2022. This cute sparrow edit uses a pic the new camera took!

Bird Buddy recently announced the second version of their camera module, dubbed the Nature Cam PRO, that’s included in their new Smart Bird Feeder Pro.

quick links
Smart Bird Feeder PROBird BuddyAmazon
Nature Cam PRO (camera only)Bird BuddyAmazon
Hummingbird FeederBird BuddyAmazon

I’m an original user of the Bird Buddy and since its launch in 2022, I’ve published several posts comparing it to other smart bird feeders.

tl;dr: The new smart bird feeder pro camera captures excellent detail, more in-focus photos, and handles bright sunlight better than the original feeder.

Disclosure: I purchased the original Bird Buddy on my own in 2022. The Bird Buddy team emailed me last month unprompted with an offer to try out their updated bird feeder camera. This review is my unbiased opinion as a grassroots bird nerd. But first, here is a picture from the new camera.

male house sparrow perched at bird buddy feeder in yard
House Sparrow captured by the new Bird Buddy Pro version

The newer, bigger, shinier, pro-er lens on the left. OG lens on the right!

Smart Bird Feeder Pro takes better pictures way more often

I felt, in my first week of use, the Bird Buddy Pro camera captured a higher amount of in-focus photos compared to the original.

white winged dove on bird buddy with water
White-winged Doves and other big birds liked the extended perch that can be added.

The new pro camera seems to get more birds in flight than the original.

Larger birds like Doves and Pigeons occasionally still appear too close or big to fit in the frame, but the camera focuses on them better.

female house sparrow with wings spread on feeder
In harsh direct sunlight the Smart Bird Feeder Pro camera managed to take photos worth keeping

The original Bird Buddy camera was blinded by the sun

The original Bird Buddy camera takes great photos but struggles with exposure when the sun is in the frame.

Original Bird Buddy Photo: Inca Doves and direct sun. Click to view the full-res version.

The new version of the Bird Buddy camera impressed me with how in-focus and detailed almost every photo it took was. Small feather details, eye reflections, and a nice blue sky were present in many images.

sparrows perched on an empty bird buddy feeder
I think less about which direction to point the feeder due to the camera’s HDR (high dynamic range).

The new camera’s photos look more natural and it’s mainly due to something called “High Dynamic Range (HDR).”

Slow-motion video reveals cute moments

The new camera can be set up in 2K mode or Slow-mo mode. The slow motion can unlock some funny or cool moments but comes with a slight hit to video quality. Still photos captured look the same regardless of which mode is chosen.

She takes a deep, curious look directly at the camera. This is a slow motion clip from the new Bird Buddy camera
Here is a normal speed 2k video with sound

Spec comparison

For those who like detail, these specs were provided by the Bird Buddy team.

Nature Cam PRO (new)Original Bird Buddy
2K video
5 megapixel photos 
HDR (High Dynamic Range)
Field of View122°115°
Pixel Size2.0 µm x 2.0 µm1.4 µm x 1.4 µm
Sensor Size1/2.7″1/4″
Depth of Field 2.6~5.9in2.8~3.6in
90 frames-per-second video
High Fidelity Microphone

The Build: How Has It Held Up?

In late 2022, Bird Buddy arrived to backers of the original Kickstarter campaign. I reviewed the Bird Buddy when it originally launched and was impressed by the photo quality and whimsical design of the companion app. But, I wondered how would the plastic feeder hold up over time?

original bird buddy smart bird feeder outside two years later
The original Bird Buddy feeder housing two years later.

For two years my Bird Buddy has weathered Texas rain storms, temperature swings, and hungry birds. (Thankfully no destructive squirrels)

After two years of continuous outdoor exposure, the Bird Buddy’s plastic housing has held up well. The translucent front panel shows some yellowing from sun damage and the solar roof has delaminated slightly but it still works.

I misplaced the back panel and resorted to taping the back closed for a while. Bird Buddy should make replacement feeder parts easily available on their website. This would demonstrate commitment to sustainable and repairable design. We all hate eWaste.

The Bird Buddy Team kindly sent me a replacement panel along with their new camera module.

How has the user experience improved?

Over the past two years, Bird Buddy’s app has got several big updates to make reviewing photos faster and the app more enjoyable. The original camera hardware got higher quality 2K video options unlocked recently as well.


The improved picture quality of Bird Buddy’s Smart Bird Feeder Pro makes this a worthwhile upgrade for existing users and continues the feeder’s lead in overall picture quality in the smart bird feeders I’ve tested. The camera is available as a standalone accessory to add to an existing feeder or included with the smart feeder.

Bonus: Packaging and Bird Buddy Heartbeat + National Audubon

jeff with bird buddy smart bird feeder and new camera module
Thanks to Bird Buddy for sharing the new camera and more for me to check out with my original smart feeder!
The design of the official perch extender surprised me! It mounts on the bottom of the feeder and leaves other spots open for accessories.

As I researched for this review, I saw recent news about a partnership between National Audubon Society and the Bird Buddy Heartbeat project. I imagine there are ways to leverage growing consumer interest in nature and smart gadgets through collaboration like this. The Heartbeat Project is a live dataset of bird detections from the Bird Buddy feeder network very similar to BirdWeather.

Do you have the new Bird Buddy camera? What has your experienced been?

7 thoughts on “Bird Buddy Smart Bird Feeder PRO Review — Plus 2 Years with the Original”

  1. 1perhaps the most annoying feature is the horrible scoop provided to fill the feeder. Its shape makes it virtually impossible to feed seeds into the small opening without tilting the entire feeder forward which is impossible when it is hanging as designed, and spills seeds when tilted forward to access the filler opening.

  2. My experience has been very disappointing. Perhaps because I have RING cameras including a battery solar panel supported RING which has consistently delivered power for 2 years without ever needing recharge and minimal reduced power no less than 80% on any one of the two batteries that support it. The cost is less than the BirdBuddy. Glad to see options elsewhere for the feeder housing itself with design targeting specific outdoor security cameras like the RING.

    I received the BirdBuddy Dec 2024 and immediately set it up. Completed drainage of battery on continuous basis regardless of small bumps recharging from solar panel. It is in a very sunny place so this makes no sense. Reading your reviews of others going months without needing to recharge – I expect results same as my RING Battery/Solar panel camera. It is a total disappointment for the price point. Support is also not the best.

  3. Why would a device require 4g connection when most cell phones were forced onto the 5g? This detail, which determines if you can even use the Bird Buddy has no warning or remedy. How is Bird Buddy even useful?

  4. If your camera is not mounted in a way to avoid motion of the bird feeder, such as hanging in a windy location, the constant changing background might be draining your battery too fast. Try making your mount more stable.


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