I’ve been a big proponent of the Merlin Bird ID app for several years. Developed by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Sound ID is a popular feature that uses artificial intelligence to identify bird species from their songs and calls. The latest update to the app brings new features that will make exploring your saved Sound ID recordings more fun and convenient.

The first new feature is the ability to cycle through multiple Sound ID results for a bird. This means that when you tap on a bird in your Sound ID recording, it cycles through each section of the recording where that bird was detected allowing you to compare and choose the one that you’re most confident in. This feature is especially useful for challenging identifications where birds may have similar songs or calls.
The second new feature is that Sound ID results are now highlighted in Playback mode. This means that the birds singing in your recordings will be highlighted, making it easy for you to see which birds are singing and to identify and learn the songs and calls. This feature is particularly helpful for birders who are just starting and trying to improve their bird identification skills.
Finally, and most importantly, the new update adds iCloud backup support for Sound ID recordings. This means that your recordings will be automatically backed up to iCloud, ensuring that you can restore them if you ever update to a new device or lose your data. This feature provides peace of mind for users who want to preserve their valuable recordings. I’ve upgraded my phone several times since using Merlin and it’s always a bummer to lose your recordings.
The Sound ID app is an excellent tool for birders of all levels, and the latest update enhances the app’s capabilities further. With these new features, users can better explore their saved Sound ID recordings, identify and learn bird songs and calls, and preserve their recordings for the long term. Whether you’re a seasoned birder or a beginner, the Sound ID app is a must-have for your birding toolbox.
The newest update on sound id doesn’t work properly. Now I have to get as close to the bird as possible. Before update I could press sound is and get all the different birds in my backyard area. Please please change it back.
Hi Deborah,
I’m sorry you’re experiencing issues with the latest update. I’m not affiliated with Cornell Lab of Ornithology (the developer of the app), but I suggest contacting them to let the know.
I’m curious if others have experienced similar. I haven’t noticed a marked difference in my recordings lately, but I’ll keep an eye out.
I don’t want any iCloud storage space used how do I prevent that?