Learn tips for building the perfect birdhouse with this useful infographic.
Building a birdhouse is a fun and educational experience for kids and people of all ages. This fun infographic was put together by Capital Garden Services for Because Birds.
After you create your perfect birdhouse, learn how to start recording bird sightings with your phone. It’s fun to keep record of your sightings and helps scientists track bird migration at the same time.
Use a bird feeder to help attract birds to your garden to find the newly-built birdhouse.

Features of a Good Birdhouse
Give a bird a home!
Building a birdhouse is a really fun little DIY project to tackle. Learn what it takes to create the perfect birdhouse and get ready to say hello to some feathered friends!
Building the Perfect Birdhouse
Hear how the birds, on every blooming spray, with joyous music wake the dawning day.
Alexander Pope, English poet
It’s Well Constructed
Untreated Wood
- Make sure to use untreated, unpainted wood – such as cedar, pine, or cypress
Galvanized Screws
- Use galvanized screws to get the best seal. Otherwise nails could loosen over time, allowing rain into the birdhouse.
- Screws can be removed for repairs or maintenance as required. Never use staples.
It Keeps Birds Dry
Sloped Roof
- A sloped roof made to overhang the front by a few inches will keep out the heavy rain and help thwart any potential predators.
- You can also add deep cuts under the box to work as gutters and move rain away from it.
Recessed Floor
- A recessed floor stops the nest from getting wet. Make the recess at least 1/4 inch from the floor.
Drainage Holes
- Add at least four drainage holes to the floor so that any water that does enter can drain away.
It Helps Regulate Temperature
Thick Walls
- Walls need to be at the very minimum 3/4″ thick to insulate the nest adequately.
Ventilation Holes
- For sufficient ventilation, there should be two 5/8″ diameter holes on each of the side walls, near the top. That’s four in total.
It Keeps Out Predators
No Perches
- A perch isn’t needed for birds and can in fact help some predators gain entry to the box.
Best Birdhouse Protection
- A metal collar of around 3″ in diameter surrounds the pole underneath the birdhouse.
- Generally considered the most effective technique against climbing predators.
Noel Guard
- A barrier that protrudes inches from the entrance hole, protecting nestlings from intruders.
Common Birdhouse Predators
- Chipmunks can be a big problem for nests in certain parts of the world.
- Raccoons are intelligent and will remember birdhouse locations. Depending on which part of the world you live, raccoons can be abundant.
- Cats are excellent jumpers and can leap to the top of a birdhouse from a nearby tree.
Helping Fledglings Leave The Birdhouse Nest
Rough Interior Walls
- The inside wall below the entrance hole should be rough to help nestlings climb out of the box.
Interior Grooves
- It’s also a good idea to have shallow horizontal cuts that function as a small ladder at the exit of the nest.
- Swallows often need a little help climbing out of boxes.
Making your Garden Bird-friendly
The sounds of birds stops the noise in my mind.
Carly Simon, singer
- Place feeders in your garden so the neighborhood birds have plenty to eat.
- You should keep them in sight of your windows so you can see the birds when they visit.
Source Your Seeds
- Get your bird food from reputable sources. This ensures that the seeds give the birds the required level of energy and have been grown with the environment in mind.
- Experiment with a variety of seeds as different species of birds will prefer different types of seeds.
- Birds need to drink and clean themselves, so birdbaths are great for this.
- Always ensure to keep it topped up with fresh water and clean it regularly.
- Create a safe and sustainable habitat for bird life in your garden.
- Grow a wide variety of plants, focusing on plants native to your area, including fruit trees, evergreens, climbers, and shrubs. Plants also provide shelter to birds in bad weather.
Let Them Build Their Own
- It’s great if birds use the birdhouse you’ve built, but it’s also really satisfying if they create natural nests in your garden.
- This can be achieved by providing hedges with dense cover so they can build in peace.
Birdhouse Benefits
Birds are indicators of the environment. If they are in trouble, we know we’ll soon be in trouble.
Roger Tory Peterson, American Naturalist
Pest Control
- Since birds eat insects, they can assist you in eliminating unwanted pests in your garden without having to use harmful pesticides.
Weed Control
- Birds enjoy eating weed seeds, we do not like to eat weed. A win-win situation for all!
Flower Pollination
- Many birds love nectar from flowers and help to pollinate. As the bee population diminishes, attracting birds who perform this task is sure to help your garden and the environment.
- Birds love native plants. If you grow these and then attract birds to your garden, you will find that you have less gardening chores to do.
Property Prices
- A well-maintained home with greenery that attracts birds has great curb appeal.
- Birds are very sensitive to their environment and will always reflect positively on the area.