QUIZ: What Kind of Duck Are You?

There are hundreds of species of ducks out in the world. They come in all shapes, sizes, colors, plumages, and personalities.

What kind of duck are you most like? Take this quiz and find out!

mandarin duck on water

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There are hundreds of species of ducks out in the world. They come in all shapes, sizes, colors, plumage, and personalities.

What kind of duck are you most like? Take this quiz and find out!

If you like ducks, see these great duck-related gifts on Amazon!

Retro Duck shirt
Duck Aloha Shirt
audubon mallard duck plush
Audubon Mallard Plush (makes sound)

4 thoughts on “QUIZ: What Kind of Duck Are You?”

    • That’s SO crazy you mention that game! The Genesis was my very first console! I had QuackShot and LOVED that game so much! I never made it past the swampy ghost level until the help of modern save-states! Did you ever beat it??



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