Purple Martin sunset

Education, Entertainment

Thousands of Purple Martins form a daily ‘birdnado’ in Texas as they stage for 2024 fall migration

Every year after laying their eggs and fledging their chicks, thousands and thousands of Purple Martin birds concentrate into a mega flock. They begin roosting together nightly in the lush trees of a Petco parking lot in Round Rock, Texas.

Because birds are cool and thousands of birds are obviously more cool (bird math), Travis Audubon organizes yearly Purple Martin parties which bring viewers together to enjoy this bird spectacle

MQTT dot matrix bird counter

Entertainment, Guides

Project: Track backyard birds on a digital counter

I’ve been going deep down the BirdNET-Pi rabbit hole over the last month. A BirdNET-Pi setup uses a Raspberry Pi computer and microphone to listen, ID, and log birds it hears 24/7. I came up with an idea to automatically show this count on some kind of digital counter. With this project idea in mind, I did research to find suitable parts to build and program it.

carolina chickadee with spectrogram overlay


4 Reasons to Learn to Bird by Ear

Usually when I go birding, I’ll see half of the species and only hear the other half. Many birds are shy and only show themselves for fleeting glimpses or not at all. A lot of birds prefer to hide high up in the canopy making it difficult to get a good visual.