iphone using merlin's sound id

App Reviews, Featured, Guides, Main Feed

Identify bird songs using your phone with Merlin

If you could take three things with you when you go birdwatching, what would they be? Binoculars, a camera, and a smartphone would be my answer. Over the past few years, new phone apps have enabled birders, both rookie and seasoned, to better identify and record what they see in the field. The Merlin App has led the way in offering a robust tool to identify unknown birds.

how to record bird sightings using your phone

App Reviews, Guides, Main Feed

The Ultimate Digital Birding Toolkit

There are many benefits to bringing your mobile device with you into the field when you go birding. Mobile apps offer a wide variety of ways to help you bird better, including: field guides, ID tools, observation tools and more. Keep reading to learn the must-have birding apps for your mobile phone.

App Reviews, Main Feed, Reviews

Identify Birds with Your Phone Using Merlin

One day, you may find yourself without a field guide in hand when a mysterious bird finds its way into your field of view. What do you do? In situations like this, or for the book-averse, the answer comes in the form of a nifty mobile app called Merlin.

bird snap review

App Reviews, Featured, Main Feed, Reviews

Birdsnap App Review

Birdsnap uses visual recognition and magic to identify birds in photos taken with your iPhone.

I am a big fan of incorporating technology into my birding adventures. So when I got wind of a new app on the App Store that claims to identify birds just based on pictures, I got extremely excited