QUIZ: What kind of parrot are you?
There are many beautiful species of parrots in the world. Which one are you?
There are many beautiful species of parrots in the world. Which one are you?
Early this morning, at the beginning of my visit to the park, I heard an interesting bird singing. Looking for the source of the sound, … Read more
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Have birds or the hobby of birdwatching inspired you? When I started really getting into birds, I had a lot of creativity looking for an outlet, some of it came through photography, and some of it came through writing. This blog post talks mainly about your blogging platform options and what to think about when starting a new bird blog.
When birding or going about your day, sometimes you’ll see a small speck of color or a bird off in the distance. You may ask yourself, is that a piece of garbage, a common bird, or something else entirely?
Usually when I go birding, I’ll see half of the species and only hear the other half. Many birds are shy and only show themselves for fleeting glimpses or not at all. A lot of birds prefer to hide high up in the canopy making it difficult to get a good visual.
We took a stroll this afternoon through the marina in Corpus Christi, Texas. On the gulf coast of Mexico, the city is near many great … Read more