new merlin sound id feature


New Merlin Sound ID update: playback highlighting and iCloud backup

I’ve been a big proponent of the Merlin Bird ID app for several years. Developed by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Sound ID is a popular feature that uses artificial intelligence to identify bird species from their songs and calls. The latest update to the app brings new features that will make exploring your saved Sound ID recordings more fun and convenient.


Introducing my personal birdwatching wiki,

In 2022, I toyed with the idea of creating a wiki-like experience to organize and document anything related to birds and my hobby of birdwatching.

The first concept of was launched on Because Birds as the BirdDex.

young birdwatcher with binoculars


Young birdwatcher gear guide

Birdwatching is a wonderful hobby that allows us to connect with nature, observe beautiful creatures, and learn about the diversity of the world around us. For young, curious birdwatchers, it can be an especially rewarding experience. And having the right tools can make all the difference in their ability to explore the world of birds.

leaderboard with kingbird


Create a live BirdNET-Pi dashboard using WordPress

In the footer of this website you’ll see a live leaderboard of the birds chirping in my backyard. These detections are made via my BirdNET-Pi station and submitted to BirdWeather. Let’s look at how it was created.