Education, Featured, Main Feed

Where to see the most birds?

Ask any birder, “Where the birds at?” and the answers you’ll often hear are: the mountains, the beach, a wildlife reserve, etc.

But is that where most of the birds actually are? Turns out that in order to see the largest variety of birds, the furthest you have to look is your backyard…

goshawk flying

Entertainment, Main Feed

Flying abilities of the Goshawk

The flying abilities of the Goshawk are put to the test in this BBC video.

The bird is tested and filmed in slow-motion flying through a circular opening, horizontal opening, vertical opening, and a tunnel in this amazing experiment.

brown pelican

Education, Featured, Main Feed, News

Volunteering at International Bird Rescue

Gaining personal fulfillment has been on my mind a lot lately. I have been wanting to make a difference with birds and get a chance to work with wild ones for a while. A quick google search pointed me to a few different volunteer opportunities in Southern California. The one that stuck out the most to me was volunteering at the International Bird Rescue in San Pedro, California.

Education, Featured, Main Feed

Bird Mafia – “Raise our kids, or else!”

How would you feel if you were forced to babysit someone else’s child forever? This is something that song birds from all over have to deal with. Cowbirds (referred to as brood parasites) routinely lay 30-80 eggs each season in other birds’ nests