clearasil bird commercial still

Entertainment, Featured, Main Feed, videos

Clearasil Doesn’t Understand Teens but Tries to Using Birds

After a few embarrassing attempts last year to market to teens, Clearasil tossed their hands up and decided to fully embrace their “uncoolness.” In their new marketing campaign, Clearasil released 10 commercials basically saying “We don’t know teens but we do know teen acne,” accompanied by feeble attempts to relate to them.

One of these commercials really spoke to me on an intrinsic level, the best of the bunch (I am biased), aptly titled “Birds.”

pigeon air quality tweet

Entertainment, Featured, Main Feed, Science

London Twitter Users Can Request Air Quality Checks from Pigeons

For those who live in London, you can now tweet @PigeonAir to have a pigeon task force dispatched to your neighborhood to fly through the sky and test the quality of the air. Plume Labs has teamed up with a local owner of racing pigeons, whose birds are outfitted with tiny sensors that take readings of ozone, volatile compounds, and nitrogen dioxide.