brown pelican

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Volunteering at International Bird Rescue

Gaining personal fulfillment has been on my mind a lot lately. I have been wanting to make a difference with birds and get a chance to work with wild ones for a while. A quick google search pointed me to a few different volunteer opportunities in Southern California. The one that stuck out the most to me was volunteering at the International Bird Rescue in San Pedro, California.

Education, Featured, Main Feed

Bird Mafia – “Raise our kids, or else!”

How would you feel if you were forced to babysit someone else’s child forever? This is something that song birds from all over have to deal with. Cowbirds (referred to as brood parasites) routinely lay 30-80 eggs each season in other birds’ nests

hummingbird feeder saftey

Education, Guides, Main Feed

Hummingbird Feeder Safety

Hummingbirds are easy to attract to a backyard garden, a cinch to keep well fed, and a joy to watch. These sparkling jewels of summer are easy to love.

But if you don’t take proper care to provide healthy nectar and clean feeders, they’re also an easy bird to love to death.

Hummingbird feeders must be kept clean and free from mold and fungus, or the tiny hum-buzzers you so enjoy could develop a serious and deadly fungus infection. This infection causes the tongue to swell, making it impossible for the bird to feed.

Education, Featured, Guides, Main Feed

Tips for Printing Bird Photos

You’ve taken lots of photos of birds by now, selected the very best ones, put them in your online portfolio and now you’re ready for what comes next: making prints of your very best photographs!

There is a gratification that you get from holding and looking at physical copies of your photos that you will never get seeing them displayed on a computer monitor. Once you have shot many pictures, selected the best. and edited the photos, it’s time to think about printing some to frame and display in your home or office.