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The Backyard Bird Count is Almost Here!

The Great Backyard Bird Count is a yearly tradition that calls upon bird watchers of all ages to spend at least 15 minutes watching and counting birds. Once finished, participants submit their sightings to either eBird or birdcount.org. Your participation contributes to citizen science and creates a snapshot of distribution and abundance of bird species. The backyard bird count 2018 is February 16-19!

Birding Summary, Featured

Big Move to the Lone Star State and Meeting the Neighborhood Birds

This past year has been a whirlwind of hustle as I worked to finish up the last two years of my bachelor’s degree. After just over a year at UC Irvine, I finished my schooling and set my sights on what comes next: rejoining the workforce. Just as I was wrapping up my final quarter of school, Mubark landed a job offer in San Antonio, Texas. We tied up all of our loose ends in California, sold all of our bulky items, and hit the road toward the lone star state with anything we could cram into our cars.

how to build perfect birdhouse header image

Featured, Guides, Main Feed

Guide: Building the Perfect Birdhouse

Give a bird a home! Building a birdhouse is a really fun little DIY project to tackle. Learn what it takes to create the perfect birdhouse and get ready to say hello to some feathered friends!

passenger pigeon illustration

Education, Featured, Main Feed

Passing on the History of the Passenger Pigeon

What if I told you that the there once was a population so vast and mighty that its members could block out the sun.

A combined power so great it could shape the continent. These creatures were not the dinosaurs of the Jurassic period or Roman soldiers two millennia past, but the Passenger Pigeon. A North American bird who’s extinction came just a hundred years ago.

bird watching outside

Education, Featured, Main Feed

The Health Benefits of Bird Watching

Do you love nothing more than grabbing your binoculars and heading out in the woods to see how many different varieties of birds you can spot? Bird watching is a popular hobby – according to the RSPB, some three million adults do it every year in the UK! Plus, it is one of the easiest hobbies to start because they can be seen anywhere, and you don’t even need binoculars to do it. (They are a big help though)

But, did you know that it is also good for your health – both mentally and physically?

Featured, Guides, Main Feed

Organizing bird photos guide

Organizing photos is very important task to do as soon as you begin bird photography. On a typical birding day, you could easily take 300-500 pictures. Keeping all your photos organized without the help of some software can be a difficult and time-consuming task. There are a handful of different applications that can be used to organize—but the industry standard tool is Adobe Lightroom.

clearasil bird commercial still

Entertainment, Featured, Main Feed, videos

Clearasil Doesn’t Understand Teens but Tries to Using Birds

After a few embarrassing attempts last year to market to teens, Clearasil tossed their hands up and decided to fully embrace their “uncoolness.” In their new marketing campaign, Clearasil released 10 commercials basically saying “We don’t know teens but we do know teen acne,” accompanied by feeble attempts to relate to them.

One of these commercials really spoke to me on an intrinsic level, the best of the bunch (I am biased), aptly titled “Birds.”