ebird social profile cover

Entertainment, Featured, Main Feed

eBird Social Network Mockup

Truth be told, I have been sitting on this for a while. Ever since I started using eBird to help catalog my bird observations, there has been a longing for more. I’ve longed for a social aspect of eBird. A website where I could follow fellow birder friends and connect with new ones. I’ve created this eBird mockup for fun and will run through a few of my ideas.

rancho sierra vista satiwa

Birding Summary, Featured, Main Feed

Birding at Rancho Sierra Vista

Last weekend I had the pleasure of going on an annual birding trip to Rancho Sierra Vista / Satiwa led by Richard (Dick) Barth. Rancho is one of the last intact ranches from the middle of the 20th century and is nestled near the Santa Monica Mountains. This bird walk was organized by the San Fernando Valley Audubon.

App Reviews, Main Feed, Reviews

Identify Birds with Your Phone Using Merlin

One day, you may find yourself without a field guide in hand when a mysterious bird finds its way into your field of view. What do you do? In situations like this, or for the book-averse, the answer comes in the form of a nifty mobile app called Merlin.